Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flying solo

My first week of working with my new partner organization was nerve-wrecking, mostly because I had no autopilot, no crutch to lean on for help or support.  My first week of work was my host partner's week of August vacation.  So what did I do?  I kept the office open from 8:30 to 16:30, made a few copies, answered the phone (in Romanian), tried to fix the ancient computers, studied and played online.  I have never in my life been on Facebook more than I have in the last few months of my life.  It's really quite disgusting.  I wait for updates from friends in Europe (morning) and in the afternoon I check for updates from the USA.

For the next two years I will be working with an Agricultural Extension NGO helping with marketing and expanding their daily activities and services from copies to computers with internet.  Thus far, I have organized all of our informational pamphlets in the office and rearranged the furniture to make it a more open and welcoming workspace.  Hopefully, I will be able to start really understanding the conversations of the people who come into the office and start planning some seminars to help the farming community.

My messy desk

Organized stock of pamphlets
Pamphlets organized by category and alphabetical...

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